TinyCI 0.4 is out and as you might expect from the version number there are some new features.

  • New configuration format
  • Command interpolation
  • after_all hook

More info in the rest of the post…

New configuration format

You now have the option of a terser format for .tinyci.yml.


build: blah
test: blah
  after_test_success: blah

Will be automatically transformed (internally) to this:

  class: ScriptBuilder
    command: blah
  class: ScriptTester
    command: blah
  class: ScriptHooker
    after_test_success: blah

A huge improvement I’m sure you’ll agree, especially since the Script classes are currently the only ones available anyway.

Note that the new config format is a superset of the old one: configuration in the verbose format continues to work the same.

Command Interpolation

You can now use ERB syntax to insert values into your build, test and hook commands at runtime. Let’s look at FML’s .tinyci.yml file as an example:

build: VERSION=<%= commit %> docker-compose build --force-rm test
test: VERSION=<%= commit %> docker-compose run --rm test
  after_test_success: VERSION=<%= commit %> docker-compose build app
  after_all: rm -rf <%= export %>#; docker rmi fml:<%= commit %>-test

Here, in the build stage we’re building the test service from the docker compose file. The commit hash is passed in as an environment variable and is used to tag the docker image. For the test stage, we run that same docker image to test the app. In the hooks, we’re building the production version of the image once we know the build passes the tests. After everything’s finished, we delete the test docker image, as well as the exported copy of the app sourcetree.

This way we are left with only working docker images in the local index.

after_all hook

As you might imagine, this hook is executed after everything else. It’s guaranteed to execute whether or not any stage has failed.